Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Stroller naps and stuff

I feel like I am a one-themed (maybe two) blogger. It is the sleep the sleep the sleep thing that I am becoming obsessed with. My husband asked me what I was planning to do today, and the answer is "getting Anise to nap". I do go places and do things with Anise, but really my main goal every day is to get Anise to nap, but I am thinking of giving that up. I think I will have a new strategy: I will plan to do something, and she will just nap! Today she threw a tantrum when I tried to nurse her to sleep. That is a good thing! It means we are in transition. It looks like we are going to start a new routine of stroller naps.

2 stroller naps in one day!! That means I haven't changed her diaper in ? hours...

I hate my house. I have no reason to hate it, I just don't like it at the moment. I am in it a lot, and I have time to look around and criticize it. It is dark this time of year. It is disorganized, and messy, and cluttered. I want to renovate, or move, or clean. I need the change.

I have a passion for moving furniture around. It makes me feel like I have a new house. I also love to daydream about renovating and shifting walls and adding on. I often feel if my house were in order my life would be easier. Is that true? I love reading through Martha Stewart magazine and seeing very sparse, empty and clean closets. Do people really live like that? If I want to, then why can't I? I am too attached to my things. My things are memories and I love thinking about them. But memories are in my head and they aren't going anywhere, I could if I choose to just remember the things!

How do I get rid of stuff? By buying new furniture!!


  1. You covered all my bases in one post!
    I'm all for stroller naps, but I'm also all for twice daily at-home naps for a 10-month-old. I just never had to do it with a breast so I can't tell you how. But here's the recipe:
    1. Same time of day. (10:30 a.m./2:30 p.m.?) Same place. (a darkened room). Same sounds (bedtime music/ocean sounds?) same routine. Oh, plus Mommy has to surrender to it too. So the more you are anxious and knotted, the more Anise will be too. But you can do it. Give it three days of consistency. Think of all the time you'll have to de-clutter, practice, remember!

  2. I am a chronic re-arranger of furniture. It is perhaps a sickness but I love it. When restless that is my answer. Or else I cut my own hair which is not usually a good idea.
    And I think sometimes it hits this time of eyar because you realize again that you will have to be indoors, at home, your home, and the threat of cabin fever hits.
    As for naps, I am no expert. As you know, my son is not so fond of sleep. but, still, there is scheduled rest time. He may sleep. He may not. but at the same time every day, with the same rituals, we lay down for quiet rest time. And if needs to sleep, I figure he will.

  3. We used to have a great nap routine and great nap karma. Then it ended about a week ago now, there is nothing I can do to get her to sleep in bed. Granted, she has been waking up at 9:00 am, so maybe that counts as a nap? At least with a stroller nap someone else can put her to sleep, and I get out of my house!!!

    I get cutting hair urges too, not usually good.
