Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Today I hit a low. I had rehearsal all day today, and to get Anise to nap before dropping her at my mom's I walked with her in the pouring rain for 45 min, got drenched, and she didn't even sleep. I thought I would spare my mom a rain walk. This is what I did instead of practicing this morning. Then I worried about leaving her. As it turns out everything was fine, she slept (in her stroller) for 2 hours with my mom, and she even ate lunch! Yay!
As I write this my husband is out for a drive with baby, we are trying something new. Maybe if she sleeps in the car in the evening I can then put her to bed earlier. Last night she wouldn't go down again until 10:30, her teeth are really bugging her so I am blaming the teeth.
I used to think it was a problem that I had to nurse her to sleep, now I am wishing she would nurse so I could get her to sleep! When she won't nurse there is nothing I can do to get her to sleep. I have a feeling it hurts her to nurse, because she seems to want to and not want to at the same time. She has also been biting A LOT. So now I nurse her in fear, thank goodness she doesn't have top teeth yet.
Maybe all this is a good thing, maybe she is in the process of weaning herself a bit. Or maybe it is all because of mercury retrograde (I believe that).
I am tired.

1 comment:

  1. I throw my hat in for mercury in retrograde.
    I know I'm feeling its affects!
