Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Yesterday was my birthday hee hee. It brought me back to a year ago when I was wondering whether I would get a baby for my birthday. Instead of the 12th Anise chose the 21st. I love my birthday, and this year my husband wins best birthday husband award .

Thank you Isabel for your tag. I had some time to think about it. habits. What is a habit, something we do without noticing or thinking? Or something we feel we have to do? Or is a routine a habit?

A. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
B. At the end of the post, the player then tags people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

Some of my habits are:

Drinking Ricore every morning (it is a French drink - a mixture between instant coffee and chicory) I became addicted to it when I became pregnant and decided to go off coffee. Now I HAVE to have it in the morning or else, or else what?

Using ugly expressions like "I am going to kill you" or "I would have killed you", you know kill pronounced like ku-hill. My husband pointed it out to me this weekend, I think I say this a lot and it is an ugly thing to say, but I never would have even thought I said it if it hadn't been pointed out.

Another habit I have is speaking to my mother every morning. I have this need to call her, it starts my day. She sometimes annoys me, and I regret that I called, or she talks and talks and 20 precious minutes have gone by. But it makes me glad that I have a mother I can talk to every day.

I also have a habit of brushing my teeth too hard. And wrapping the blankets around myself so that no air (or person) can get in. And slouching, and pushing my fingers too hard on the holes of my flute, and not taking full breaths, and...

Ok, enough about that!!!! But I will tag:
Kelly at Happiness and Other Surprises
RocketMom at Exploring New Worlds

Let me get to my problem of the week: Anise has been biting, really hard while nursing. Does anyone know what to do? I have tried yelling, ignoring, talking nicely, putting pressure on her shoulders, pinching her cheeks, not allowing her to nurse anymore. It all ellicits the same response: a smile. I don't know what to do, and it is making it really hard to put her to sleep. Plus now she has a cold, so letting her cry is not an option. Any suggestions?


  1. Thanks for the tag. I'll work on it later.

    As for your problem of the week - what a conundrum. Here is my normal response - but I'm not sure what to do about the cold/sleep issue:
    When she bites "calmly (try!) and firmly" take her off the nipple and tell her no. Tell her if she does it again you will stop. Then, resume nursing, and if she does it again, stop. Better to try during the daytime - so you have other options like playing or eating or going for a walk. She may be unhappy with you, but she won't starve. If you *consistently* stop nursing when she bites, but don't otherwise make a big deal of it, then she'll hopefully learn that it is not such a fun thing to do.

    p.s. Have you read the nursing book So that's what they're for! by Janet Tamaro? I found it to be a very useful and humorous resource.

  2. Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately she bites as she is coming off, so withholding breast is not effective, she doesn't care...She is nursing a lot less during the day, and I can distract her, but she still needs to fall asleep that way, and I have to try a million times until she is ready. She nurses, is about to fall asleep, bites me and then wants to play! I really don't know what to do...

  3. Ouch! Sounds like it would be really good for you if she could learn to fall asleep without nursing ... but she apparently has different ideas. I wish I had a magic wand for you to wave. :)

  4. Happy Birthday!

    I've heard of birthday bumps but birthday bites sound much worse!

    The biting is terrible and much more difficult when your sweetheart smiles at the "game"of it.AHHHHHHH!!!

    My two cents - when Marley bites I hold her in burp position, I look away, and count to twenty. Then try again. If she bites again, same thing, but count to forty. I keep this going, luckily we've never needed to go pass sixty. It's awful, especially when she's all smiles just before.

  5. What babies won't do to aggravate their moms. Georgia refused to be born on my birthday too. And by the way, you have all the permission you need to try something new in the motherhood department. Something totally new.
