Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Yesterday we were snowed in. We literally could not go anywhere. My car was buried and the steps were completely covered. My street looked like this:

I placed Anise on her sled for the first time. She looked like this:

The sled however, did not slide so we could not venture far from the house. I shovelled and Anise watched. We had a great time.

There is something cozy and comforting about snowstorms. I think it is the silence. Everything is quiet, cars are muffled. Being surrounded by white is so peaceful. Plus there is nothing cuter than a baby stuck in a snowsuit...


  1. THis picture made me melt.
    We just got snow tonight too. NOt a storm but a good dusting and everything is white.
    It is so beautiful. Enjoy being snowed in and stay cozy warm.

  2. Yum, snow. Well, not literally, but ... I miss it. As a girl, I used to dig tunnels in the snow banks, curl up inside, and listen to the silence.
